Microsoft Planetary Computer Sentinel-1 RTC Imagery#

This book will demonstrate how to access radiometrically terrain corrected Sentinel-1 imagery from Microsoft Planetary Computer using stackstac. STAC stands for spatio-temporal asset catalog, it is a common framework to describe geospatial information and a way for data providers, developers and users to work and communicate efficiently. You can read more about STAC here and checkout more useful tutorials for working with STAC data.

Learning goals#

Xarray and python techniques:

  • Introduction to working with STAC data

  • Using pystac to query cloud-hosted datasets, observe metadata

  • Using stackstac to read cloud-hosted data as xarray objects

  • Using xarray to manipulate and organize Sentinel-1 SAR data

  • Performing grouping and reductions on xarrray objects

  • Visualizing xarray objects using FacetGrid

High-level science goals:

  • Querying large cloud-hosted dataset

  • Accessing cloud-hosted data stored as COGs (cloud-optimized GeoTIFFs)

  • Extracting and organizing metadata

Other useful resources#

These are resources that contain additional examples and discussion of the content in this notebook and more.

%xmode minimal
import xarray as xr
import geopandas as gpd
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import requests
import rich.table
import planetary_computer
from pystac_client import Client
from shapely.geometry import Polygon
import rioxarray as rio
import pystac

from IPython.display import Image

We will use the pystac_client package to interact with and query the Microsoft Planetary Computer Sentinel-1 RTC dataset. In the cell below, we will create an object called catalog by calling the .open() method of the Client class. This is establishing a connection with the hosted data at the url provided. Explore the catalog object. You

STAC items#

catalog ='')

Now we will define some parameters to help us query the data catalog for the specific collection, time range and geographic area of interest. The function points2coords() just helps us to format coordinates for areas of interest.

#we'll use this function to get bounding box coordinates from a list of points 
def points2coords(pt_ls): #should be [xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax]
    coords_ls = [(pt_ls[0], pt_ls[1]), (pt_ls[0], pt_ls[3]),
                 (pt_ls[2], pt_ls[3]), (pt_ls[2], pt_ls[1]),
                 (pt_ls[0], pt_ls[1])]
    return coords_ls

In the cell below we specify the time range we’re interested in as well as the geographic area of interest.

time_range = '2021-01-01/2022-08-01'
bbox = [88.214935, 27.92767, 88.302,  28.034]

bbox_coords = points2coords(bbox)
[(88.214935, 27.92767),
 (88.214935, 28.034),
 (88.302, 28.034),
 (88.302, 27.92767),
 (88.214935, 27.92767)]

Now we will search the catalog for entries that match our criteria for collection (Sentinel-1 RTC), bbox (our AOI) and datetime (our specified time range):

search =["sentinel-1-rtc"], bbox=bbox, datetime=time_range)
items = search.get_all_items()
/home/emmamarshall/miniconda3/envs/s1rtc/lib/python3.10/site-packages/pystac_client/ FutureWarning: get_all_items() is deprecated, use item_collection() instead.

We’ve created a few more instances of pystac_client classes. Check out the object types below to better familiarize yourself with the pystac package

<class 'pystac_client.client.Client'>
<class 'pystac_client.item_search.ItemSearch'>
<class 'pystac.item_collection.ItemCollection'>

You can see that items is an instance of the class ItemCollection, and we can explore it via the embedded html interface.


To make it easier to work with, we can convert the items object to a dictionary, and from there, convert it to a geopandas.GeoDataFrame. You can see that the metadata from within each item of the ItemCollection object is present in the GeoDataFrame but its easier to scan and organize this way.

df = gpd.GeoDataFrame.from_features(items.to_dict(), crs='epsg:4326')
geometry datetime platform s1:shape proj:bbox proj:epsg proj:shape end_datetime constellation s1:resolution ... sar:center_frequency sar:resolution_range s1:product_timeliness sar:resolution_azimuth sar:pixel_spacing_range sar:observation_direction sar:pixel_spacing_azimuth sar:looks_equivalent_number s1:instrument_configuration_ID sat:platform_international_designator
0 POLYGON ((86.20612 27.84414, 86.21011 27.78327... 2022-08-01T12:14:14.610123Z SENTINEL-1A [28151, 21598] [421830.0, 2916240.0, 703340.0, 3132220.0] 32645 [21598, 28151] 2022-08-01 12:14:27.109058+00:00 Sentinel-1 high ... 5.405 20 Fast-24h 22 10 right 10 4.4 7 2014-016A
1 POLYGON ((89.98012 27.01219, 90.99394 27.17292... 2022-07-27T12:06:06.953202Z SENTINEL-1A [28423, 21970] [618250.0, 2960450.0, 902480.0, 3180150.0] 32645 [21970, 28423] 2022-07-27 12:06:19.452211+00:00 Sentinel-1 high ... 5.405 20 Fast-24h 22 10 right 10 4.4 7 2014-016A
2 POLYGON ((89.80442 27.02311, 89.82929 27.27473... 2022-07-23T00:03:32.650978Z SENTINEL-1A [27531, 21084] [524490.0, 2980820.0, 799800.0, 3191660.0] 32645 [21084, 27531] 2022-07-23 00:03:45.150333+00:00 Sentinel-1 high ... 5.405 20 Fast-24h 22 10 right 10 4.4 7 2014-016A
3 POLYGON ((86.20591 27.84405, 86.21002 27.78237... 2022-07-20T12:14:13.801000Z SENTINEL-1A [28149, 21598] [421810.0, 2916230.0, 703300.0, 3132210.0] 32645 [21598, 28149] 2022-07-20 12:14:26.299940+00:00 Sentinel-1 high ... 5.405 20 Fast-24h 22 10 right 10 4.4 7 2014-016A
4 POLYGON ((89.98022 27.01218, 90.99394 27.17283... 2022-07-15T12:06:06.242032Z SENTINEL-1A [28422, 21971] [618260.0, 2960440.0, 902480.0, 3180150.0] 32645 [21971, 28422] 2022-07-15 12:06:18.741751+00:00 Sentinel-1 high ... 5.405 20 Fast-24h 22 10 right 10 4.4 7 2014-016A

5 rows × 36 columns

Index(['geometry', 'datetime', 'platform', 's1:shape', 'proj:bbox',
       'proj:epsg', 'proj:shape', 'end_datetime', 'constellation',
       's1:resolution', 'proj:transform', 's1:datatake_id', 'start_datetime',
       's1:orbit_source', 's1:slice_number', 's1:total_slices',
       'sar:looks_range', 'sat:orbit_state', 'sar:product_type',
       'sar:looks_azimuth', 'sar:polarizations', 'sar:frequency_band',
       'sat:absolute_orbit', 'sat:relative_orbit', 's1:processing_level',
       'sar:instrument_mode', 'sar:center_frequency', 'sar:resolution_range',
       's1:product_timeliness', 'sar:resolution_azimuth',
       'sar:pixel_spacing_range', 'sar:observation_direction',
       'sar:pixel_spacing_azimuth', 'sar:looks_equivalent_number',

Now we want to check out a rendered preview of an individual item from the ItemCollection object. We do this by calling the assets accessor, and supplying the HREF of the rendered preview key.


We can construct a table with metadata for a single scene (ie. a single element of the list items)

table = rich.table.Table('key','value')
for k,v in sorted(items[0].properties.items()):
    table.add_row(k, str(v))
┃ key                                    value                                                       ┃
│ constellation                         │ Sentinel-1                                                  │
│ datetime                              │ 2022-08-01T12:14:14.610123Z                                 │
│ end_datetime                          │ 2022-08-01 12:14:27.109058+00:00                            │
│ platform                              │ SENTINEL-1A                                                 │
│ proj:bbox                             │ [421830.0, 2916240.0, 703340.0, 3132220.0]                  │
│ proj:epsg                             │ 32645                                                       │
│ proj:shape                            │ [21598, 28151]                                              │
│ proj:transform                        │ [10.0, 0.0, 421830.0, 0.0, -10.0, 3132220.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0] │
│ s1:datatake_id                        │ 346937                                                      │
│ s1:instrument_configuration_ID        │ 7                                                           │
│ s1:orbit_source                       │ RESORB                                                      │
│ s1:processing_level                   │ 1                                                           │
│ s1:product_timeliness                 │ Fast-24h                                                    │
│ s1:resolution                         │ high                                                        │
│ s1:shape                              │ [28151, 21598]                                              │
│ s1:slice_number                       │ 6                                                           │
│ s1:total_slices                       │ 20                                                          │
│ sar:center_frequency                  │ 5.405                                                       │
│ sar:frequency_band                    │ C                                                           │
│ sar:instrument_mode                   │ IW                                                          │
│ sar:looks_azimuth                     │ 1                                                           │
│ sar:looks_equivalent_number           │ 4.4                                                         │
│ sar:looks_range                       │ 5                                                           │
│ sar:observation_direction             │ right                                                       │
│ sar:pixel_spacing_azimuth             │ 10                                                          │
│ sar:pixel_spacing_range               │ 10                                                          │
│ sar:polarizations                     │ ['VV', 'VH']                                                │
│ sar:product_type                      │ GRD                                                         │
│ sar:resolution_azimuth                │ 22                                                          │
│ sar:resolution_range                  │ 20                                                          │
│ sat:absolute_orbit                    │ 44359                                                       │
│ sat:orbit_state                       │ ascending                                                   │
│ sat:platform_international_designator │ 2014-016A                                                   │
│ sat:relative_orbit                    │ 12                                                          │
│ start_datetime                        │ 2022-08-01 12:14:02.111187+00:00                            │

We can also explore the object metadata outside of the table. Try typing .assets, .links, .STAC_extensions and .properties onto the term below. You can query the object programmatically for the same metadata stored in the table using dictionary syntax on the properties accessor.

{'datetime': '2022-08-01T12:14:14.610123Z',
 'platform': 'SENTINEL-1A',
 's1:shape': [28151, 21598],
 'proj:bbox': [421830.0, 2916240.0, 703340.0, 3132220.0],
 'proj:epsg': 32645,
 'proj:shape': [21598, 28151],
 'end_datetime': '2022-08-01 12:14:27.109058+00:00',
 'constellation': 'Sentinel-1',
 's1:resolution': 'high',
 'proj:transform': [10.0, 0.0, 421830.0, 0.0, -10.0, 3132220.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0],
 's1:datatake_id': '346937',
 'start_datetime': '2022-08-01 12:14:02.111187+00:00',
 's1:orbit_source': 'RESORB',
 's1:slice_number': '6',
 's1:total_slices': '20',
 'sar:looks_range': 5,
 'sat:orbit_state': 'ascending',
 'sar:product_type': 'GRD',
 'sar:looks_azimuth': 1,
 'sar:polarizations': ['VV', 'VH'],
 'sar:frequency_band': 'C',
 'sat:absolute_orbit': 44359,
 'sat:relative_orbit': 12,
 's1:processing_level': '1',
 'sar:instrument_mode': 'IW',
 'sar:center_frequency': 5.405,
 'sar:resolution_range': 20,
 's1:product_timeliness': 'Fast-24h',
 'sar:resolution_azimuth': 22,
 'sar:pixel_spacing_range': 10,
 'sar:observation_direction': 'right',
 'sar:pixel_spacing_azimuth': 10,
 'sar:looks_equivalent_number': 4.4,
 's1:instrument_configuration_ID': '7',
 'sat:platform_international_designator': '2014-016A'}

Now that we’e explored the items that fit our query of the dataset and seen the metadata, let’s read the data in using xarray.

We will now use dask.distributed to manage our tasks. Confusingly, we will use the dask.distributed class Client to interact with the cluster.

Reading data using xarray#

from dask.distributed import Client

client = Client(processes=False)

The client.dashboard_link points to a dask dashboard for the client we’ve just instantiated.

Now that we have queried the data that is available from Microsoft Planetary Computer and inspected the metadata using pystac, we will use stackstac to read the data into our notebook as an xarray object. Calling stackstac.stack() produces a lazy xarray.DataArray with dask integration out of a STAC collection object.


In the code cell below, you can see that we pass the object items, a pystac.ItemCollection to the stackstac.stack() method. The wrapper planetary_computer.sign() uses Planetary Computer subscription key credentials to access the data. stackstac passes the metadata from the STAC collection into the xarray object as coordinates allowing you to further organize and manipulate the object to fit your purposes. stackstac can also read the data in according to parameters passed during the stack() call. In the code cell below we pass parameters for bounding box and coordinate reference system. To specify the resolution as something other than the resolution at which its stored, pass a resolution = argument.

import stackstac
import os

da = stackstac.stack(
    planetary_computer.sign(items), bounds_latlon=bbox, epsg=32645
/home/emmamarshall/miniconda3/envs/s1rtc/lib/python3.10/site-packages/stackstac/ UserWarning: The argument 'infer_datetime_format' is deprecated and will be removed in a future version. A strict version of it is now the default, see You can safely remove this argument.
  times = pd.to_datetime(
<xarray.DataArray 'stackstac-01228b676fa509c76ad69808ca72985e' (time: 143,
                                                                band: 2,
                                                                y: 1188, x: 869)>
dask.array<fetch_raster_window, shape=(143, 2, 1188, 869), dtype=float64, chunksize=(1, 1, 1024, 869), chunktype=numpy.ndarray>
Coordinates: (12/39)
  * time                                   (time) datetime64[ns] 2021-01-02T1...
    id                                     (time) <U66 'S1A_IW_GRDH_1SDV_2021...
  * band                                   (band) <U2 'vh' 'vv'
  * x                                      (x) float64 6.194e+05 ... 6.281e+05
  * y                                      (y) float64 3.102e+06 ... 3.09e+06
    sar:product_type                       <U3 'GRD'
    ...                                     ...
    sat:platform_international_designator  <U9 '2014-016A'
    s1:product_timeliness                  <U8 'Fast-24h'
    title                                  (band) <U41 'VH: vertical transmit...
    raster:bands                           object {'nodata': -32768, 'data_ty...
    description                            (band) <U173 'Terrain-corrected ga...
    epsg                                   int64 32645
    spec:        RasterSpec(epsg=32645, bounds=(619420.0, 3089780.0, 628110.0...
    crs:         epsg:32645
    transform:   | 10.00, 0.00, 619420.00|\n| 0.00,-10.00, 3101660.00|\n| 0.0...
    resolution:  10.0

Retrieve source granule ID#

It will be useful to have the granule ID for the original SAR acquisition and GRD file used to generate the RTC image. The following code demonstrates retrieving the source granule ID from the STAC metadata and adding it as a coordinate variable to the xarray object containing the RTC imagery.

stac_item = pystac.read_file('')
def extract_source_granule_pc(rtc_id):
    base_url = ''
    full_url = base_url + str(rtc_id)
    stac_item = pystac.read_file(full_url)
    source_granule = stac_item.links[5].target[-62:]
    return source_granule
granule_ls = [extract_source_granule_pc(da.isel(time=t).id.values) for t in range(len(da.time))]
def make_granule_coord_pc(granule_ls):
    '''this fn takes a list of granule IDs, extracts acq date for each granule, organizes this as an array that can be assigned as a coord to an xr obj'''
    acq_date = [pd.to_datetime(granule[17:25]) for granule in granule_ls]

    granule_da = xr.DataArray(data = granule_ls, 
                              dims = ['time'],
                              coords = {'time':acq_date},
                             attrs = {'description': 'source granule ID S1 GRD files used to process PC RTC images, extracted from STAC metadata'},
    return granule_da
granule_coord = make_granule_coord_pc(granule_ls)
<xarray.DataArray 'granule_id' (time: 143)>
  * time     (time) datetime64[ns] 2021-01-02 2021-01-05 ... 2022-08-01
    description:  source granule ID S1 GRD files used to process PC RTC image...

The granule_coord object is a 1-dimensional xarray.DataArray containing the source granule IDs for the original GRD files. The values of the time coordinate align with the time coordinate of the data object pc, allowing us to use the xarray.combine_by_coords() function to merge the two into one object.

First, check the dates between the two coordinates are the same (they should be):

for element in range(len(list(da.time)))[:5]:






Now, assign granule id as a non-dimensional coordinate of the xarray dataset:

da.coords['granule_id'] = ('time',
#rename for when we store it to use in the comparison notebook
da_pc = da
<xarray.DataArray 'stackstac-01228b676fa509c76ad69808ca72985e' (time: 143,
                                                                band: 2,
                                                                y: 1188, x: 869)>
dask.array<fetch_raster_window, shape=(143, 2, 1188, 869), dtype=float64, chunksize=(1, 1, 1024, 869), chunktype=numpy.ndarray>
Coordinates: (12/40)
  * time                                   (time) datetime64[ns] 2021-01-02T1...
    id                                     (time) <U66 'S1A_IW_GRDH_1SDV_2021...
  * band                                   (band) <U2 'vh' 'vv'
  * x                                      (x) float64 6.194e+05 ... 6.281e+05
  * y                                      (y) float64 3.102e+06 ... 3.09e+06
    sar:product_type                       <U3 'GRD'
    ...                                     ...
    s1:product_timeliness                  <U8 'Fast-24h'
    title                                  (band) <U41 'VH: vertical transmit...
    raster:bands                           object {'nodata': -32768, 'data_ty...
    description                            (band) <U173 'Terrain-corrected ga...
    epsg                                   int64 32645
    granule_id                             (time) <U62 'S1A_IW_GRDH_1SDV_2021...
    spec:        RasterSpec(epsg=32645, bounds=(619420.0, 3089780.0, 628110.0...
    crs:         epsg:32645
    transform:   | 10.00, 0.00, 619420.00|\n| 0.00,-10.00, 3101660.00|\n| 0.0...
    resolution:  10.0

Now we’ll store this object to use in a later notebook:

%store da_pc
Stored 'da_pc' (DataArray)

Great, now we have a data cube of Sentinel-1 RTC backscatter imagery with x,y and time dimensions. Take a look at the coordinates and you can see that there is much more information that we can use to query and filter the dataset.

Let’s do a little bit of looking around. We’ll define a function to convert the backscatter pixel values from power to dB scale but we won’t use it yet. This transformation applies a logarithmic scale to the data which makes visualization easier but we do not want to run any summary statistics on the dB data as it will be distorted.

def power_to_db(input_arr):
    return (10*np.log10(np.abs(input_arr)))

What if we only wanted to look at imagery from the VV band?

da_vv = da.sel(band='vv')

We can do the same for VH:

da_vh = da.sel(band='vh')

Next, what if we wanted to look only at imagery taken during ascending or descending passes of the satellite? band is a dimensional coordinate, so we could use xarray’s .sel() method, but orbital direction is a non-dimensional coordinate so we need to approach it a bit differently:

da_asc = da.where(da['sat:orbit_state'] == 'ascending', drop=True)
da_desc = da.where(da['sat:orbit_state'] == 'descending', drop=True)
<xarray.DataArray 'stackstac-01228b676fa509c76ad69808ca72985e' (time: 97,
                                                                band: 2,
                                                                y: 1188, x: 869)>
dask.array<where, shape=(97, 2, 1188, 869), dtype=float64, chunksize=(1, 1, 1024, 869), chunktype=numpy.ndarray>
Coordinates: (12/40)
  * time                                   (time) datetime64[ns] 2021-01-02T1...
    id                                     (time) <U66 'S1A_IW_GRDH_1SDV_2021...
  * band                                   (band) <U2 'vh' 'vv'
  * x                                      (x) float64 6.194e+05 ... 6.281e+05
  * y                                      (y) float64 3.102e+06 ... 3.09e+06
    sar:product_type                       <U3 'GRD'
    ...                                     ...
    s1:product_timeliness                  <U8 'Fast-24h'
    title                                  (band) <U41 'VH: vertical transmit...
    raster:bands                           object {'nodata': -32768, 'data_ty...
    description                            (band) <U173 'Terrain-corrected ga...
    epsg                                   int64 32645
    granule_id                             (time) <U62 'S1A_IW_GRDH_1SDV_2021...
    spec:        RasterSpec(epsg=32645, bounds=(619420.0, 3089780.0, 628110.0...
    crs:         epsg:32645
    transform:   | 10.00, 0.00, 619420.00|\n| 0.00,-10.00, 3101660.00|\n| 0.0...
    resolution:  10.0

You can see that there are 69 time steps from the Ascending orbital pass and that all of the same dimensions and coordinates still exist, so you can subset for just the VV data from the ascending passes, or other variables you may be interested in.

Let’s take a look at the two polarizations side-by-side. Below, we’ll plot the VV and VH polarizations from the same date next to each other:

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt 

fig, axs = plt.subplots(ncols=2, figsize=(16,8))
power_to_db(da_asc.sel(band='vv').isel(time=10)).plot(, ax=axs[0]);
power_to_db(da_asc.sel(band='vh').isel(time=10)).plot(, ax=axs[1]);

It looks like there is some interesting variability between the two images. What if we wanted to see how these differences persist over time?

Let’s perform a reduction along the x and y dimensions so that we can get a better idea of this data over time rather than a snapshot:

<xarray.DataArray 'stackstac-01228b676fa509c76ad69808ca72985e' (time: 97)>
dask.array<mean_agg-aggregate, shape=(97,), dtype=float64, chunksize=(1,), chunktype=numpy.ndarray>
Coordinates: (12/38)
  * time                                   (time) datetime64[ns] 2021-01-02T1...
    id                                     (time) <U66 'S1A_IW_GRDH_1SDV_2021...
    band                                   <U2 'vv'
    sar:product_type                       <U3 'GRD'
    sat:absolute_orbit                     (time) int64 35959 36061 ... 44359
    sar:pixel_spacing_azimuth              int64 10
    ...                                     ...
    s1:product_timeliness                  <U8 'Fast-24h'
    title                                  <U41 'VV: vertical transmit, verti...
    raster:bands                           object {'nodata': -32768, 'data_ty...
    description                            <U173 'Terrain-corrected gamma nau...
    epsg                                   int64 32645
    granule_id                             (time) <U62 'S1A_IW_GRDH_1SDV_2021...
fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(12,9))

ax.set_title('Mean backscatter from ASCENDING passes for VH band (red) and VV band (blue) over time');

power_to_db(da_asc.sel(band='vv').mean(dim=['x','y'])).plot(ax=ax, linestyle='None', marker='o', color='red');
power_to_db(da_asc.sel(band='vh').mean(dim=['x','y'])).plot(ax=ax, linestyle='None', marker='o', color='blue');

Interesting! It looks like there is more variability in the VH band than the VV band. Over the year, there is about 4 dB variability in the VV band but over twice as much in the VH band. Chapter 2 of the SAR handbook contains information about how polarization impacts radar returns. The above plots are looking only at the ascending passes. Let’s take a look at all of the time steps (ascending + descending). Any effects based on the different viewing geometries of the ascending and descending passes should have been removed during the radiometric terrain correction step.

fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(12,9))

ax.set_title('Mean backscatter for VH band (red) and VV band (blue) over time');
power_to_db(da.sel(band='vv').mean(dim=['x','y'])).plot(ax=ax, linestyle='None', marker='o', color='red');
power_to_db(da.sel(band='vh').mean(dim=['x','y'])).plot(ax=ax, linestyle='None', marker='o', color='blue');

Next, let’s take a look at how backscatter values vary seasonally. To do this we will use xarray’s groupby() and .facetgrid methods.

seasons_gb = da_pc.groupby(da_pc.time.dt.season).mean()
#add the attrs back to the season groupby object
seasons_gb.attrs = da_pc.attrs
<xarray.DataArray 'stackstac-01228b676fa509c76ad69808ca72985e' (season: 4,
                                                                band: 2,
                                                                y: 1188, x: 869)>
dask.array<transpose, shape=(4, 2, 1188, 869), dtype=float64, chunksize=(1, 1, 1024, 869), chunktype=numpy.ndarray>
Coordinates: (12/28)
  * band                                   (band) <U2 'vh' 'vv'
  * x                                      (x) float64 6.194e+05 ... 6.281e+05
  * y                                      (y) float64 3.102e+06 ... 3.09e+06
    sar:product_type                       <U3 'GRD'
    sar:pixel_spacing_azimuth              int64 10
    sar:polarizations                      object {'VH', 'VV'}
    ...                                     ...
    s1:product_timeliness                  <U8 'Fast-24h'
    title                                  (band) <U41 'VH: vertical transmit...
    raster:bands                           object {'nodata': -32768, 'data_ty...
    description                            (band) <U173 'Terrain-corrected ga...
    epsg                                   int64 32645
  * season                                 (season) object 'DJF' 'JJA' ... 'SON'
    spec:        RasterSpec(epsg=32645, bounds=(619420.0, 3089780.0, 628110.0...
    crs:         epsg:32645
    transform:   | 10.00, 0.00, 619420.00|\n| 0.00,-10.00, 3101660.00|\n| 0.0...
    resolution:  10.0

Use the seasons groupby object and specify the season dimension in the Facetgrid call to automatically plot mean backscatter for each season:

fg_vv = power_to_db(seasons_gb.sel(band='vv')).plot(col='season',;
fg_vh = power_to_db(seasons_gb.sel(band='vh')).plot(col='season',;

Wrap up#

This notebook demonstrated how to access cloud-hosted data from Microsoft Planetary Computer, some basic dataset organization and preliminary exploration and visualization. The following notebook will compare the Planetary Computer dataset to the ASF dataset.