4. Individual glacier surface velocity analysis#

This notebook will build upon the data access and inspection steps in the earlier notebooks and demonstrate basic data analysis and visualization of surface velocity data at the scale of an individual glacier using xarray.

Learning goals#


  • Visualizing statistical distributions

  • Vectorized calculation of summary statistics over large dimensions

  • Working with velocity component vectors

  • Calculating magnitude of displacement from velocity component vectors


Other useful resources#

These are resources that contain additional examples and discussion of the content in this notebook and more.

Software + Setup#

%xmode minimal
Exception reporting mode: Minimal
import json
import os
import urllib.request

import flox
import geopandas as gpd
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import rioxarray as rxr
import scipy
import xarray as xr
from shapely.geometry import Point, Polygon

%config InlineBackend.figure_format='retina'

Read in clipped glacier velocity object from previous notebook#

In the last notebook, we used the storemagic ipython extension to store the object we created. We’ll read it in here rather than go through the steps of creating it again. Now that we have the velocity data clipped to a single glacier, let’s explore the clipped dataset.

%store -r sample_glacier_raster
no stored variable or alias sample_glacier_raster
NameError: name 'sample_glacier_raster' is not defined

Visualize and examine distributions of different variables#

Let’s first take a look at the velocity components and magnitude of velocity. Plotting a histogram of vx, vy, and v we see that they both have Gaussian distributions. In contrast, magnitude of velocity is positively skewed. The distribution of magnitude of velocity follows a Rician distribution. Because magnitude of velocity is the norm of the two normally-distributed variables (vx and vy) it follows a Rician distribution. To avoid propagating noise in the dataset, we will work primarily with velocity component variables and calculate the magnitude of velocity after reductions have been performed.

To construct these plots, we use a combination of xarray plotting functionality and matplotlib object-oriented plotting

fig,axs=plt.subplots(ncols=3, figsize=(20,5))
hist_y = sample_glacier_raster.vy.plot.hist(ax=axs[0], bins=100)
cumulative_y = np.cumsum(hist_y[0])
axs[0].plot(hist_y[1][1:], cumulative_y, color='orange', linestyle='-', alpha=0.5)

hist_x = sample_glacier_raster.vx.plot.hist(ax=axs[1], bins=100)
cumulative_x = np.cumsum(hist_x[0])
axs[1].plot(hist_x[1][1:], cumulative_x, color='orange', linestyle='-', alpha=0.5)

hist_v = sample_glacier_raster.v.plot.hist(ax=axs[2], bins=100)
cumulative_v = np.cumsum(hist_v[0])
axs[2].plot(hist_v[1][1:], cumulative_v, color='orange', linestyle='-', alpha=0.5)

axs[2].set_title('V (magnitude)')

axs[0].set_ylabel('# obs')
axs[1].set_ylabel('# obs')
axs[2].set_ylabel('# obs')

axs[0].set_xlabel('magnitude of velocity (m/y)')
axs[1].set_xlabel('magnitude of velocity (m/y)')
axs[2].set_xlabel('magnitude of velocity (m/y)')
fig.suptitle('Histogram (blue) and cumulative distribution function (orange) of velocity components and magnitude');
NameError: name 'sample_glacier_raster' is not defined

We can also look at the skew of each variable. TO do this, we use xr.reduce() and scipy.stats.skew()

print('Skew of vy: ',sample_glacier_raster.vy.reduce(func=scipy.stats.skew, nan_policy='omit', dim=['x','y','mid_date']).data)
print('Skew of vx: ',sample_glacier_raster.vx.reduce(func=scipy.stats.skew, nan_policy='omit', dim=['x','y','mid_date']).data)
print('Skew of v: ',sample_glacier_raster.v.reduce(func=scipy.stats.skew, nan_policy='omit', dim=['x','y','mid_date']).data)
NameError: name 'sample_glacier_raster' is not defined

Calculating magnitude of velocity#

We’ll first define a function for calculating magnitude of velocity in two ways. Because we want to calculate the magnitude of the displacement vector after we have already reduced the data along a dimension, we write a function that creates two magnitude of velocity variables, one where magnitude is calculated from the means of the vx and vy vectors in space and one where the magnitude is calculated from the medians of the vx and vy vectors in time. We just need to be careful which variable we use.

def calc_velocity_magnitude(ds):
    #naming convention is the dim that variable still has 
    # use mean for reductions of components because components normally distributed
    ds = ds.copy()
    ds['v_mag_time'] = np.sqrt(ds.vx.mean(dim=['x','y'])**2 + ds.vy.mean(dim=['x','y'])**2)

    ds['v_mag_space'] = np.sqrt(ds.vx.mean(dim=['mid_date'])**2 + (ds.vy.mean(dim=['mid_date'])**2))
    return ds
sample_glacier_raster_mag = calc_velocity_magnitude(sample_glacier_raster)
NameError: name 'sample_glacier_raster' is not defined

Visualize velocity variability#

Now that we have calculated magnitude of velocity, we will plot the histogram of calculated magnitude of velocity values in space (left) and time (right). Note that the scales of the x-axes of the two plots are different, as are the number of bins used in each. These results indicate that the variability of velocity in time is much greater than the variability of velocity in space.

fig,axs=plt.subplots(ncols=2, figsize=(20,5))
sample_glacier_raster_mag.v_mag_space.plot.hist(ax=axs[0], bins=100)
sample_glacier_raster_mag.v_mag_time.plot.hist(ax=axs[1], bins=500)


axs[0].set_ylabel('# obs')
axs[1].set_ylabel('# obs')
axs[0].set_xlabel('magnitude of velocity (m/y)')
axs[1].set_xlabel('magnitude of velocity (m/y)')

fig.suptitle('Histogram of magnitude of velocity'); 
NameError: name 'sample_glacier_raster_mag' is not defined

We can look at skewness of the magnitude distributions to better understand how these variables behave in space and time.

print('Skew of vmag reduced along spatial dimensions: ',sample_glacier_raster_mag.v_mag_time.reduce(func=scipy.stats.skew, nan_policy='omit', dim=['mid_date']).data)
print('Skew of vmag reduced along temporal dimension: ',sample_glacier_raster_mag.v_mag_space.reduce(func=scipy.stats.skew, nan_policy='omit', dim=['x','y',]).data)
NameError: name 'sample_glacier_raster_mag' is not defined

Both v_mag_time (reduced along spatial dimensions, exists along temporal dimension) and v_mag_space (reduced along temporal dimension, exists along spatial dimensions) are positively skewed. We also see that the skewness v_mag_time is much greater than v_mag_space, suggesting that the distribution of magnitude of velocity is much more positively skewed (characterized by large, positive outliers) in time than in space. Physically speaking, magnitude of velocity variability is characterized by more extreme outliers over time than across the surface of the glacier.

Checking coverage#

Now that we’ve reduced the dataset, we can look at the coverage of the magnitude variables using xarray methods. First, we want to know how many observations (not NaNs) exist along the time dimension of v_mag_time. We can use xr.DataArray.count():

NameError: name 'sample_glacier_raster_mag' is not defined

We can verify that by using isnull(), notnull() and sum():

NameError: name 'sample_glacier_raster_mag' is not defined
NameError: name 'sample_glacier_raster_mag' is not defined

Great, now look at space:

NameError: name 'sample_glacier_raster_mag' is not defined

And checking against the sum() methods:

NameError: name 'sample_glacier_raster_mag' is not defined
NameError: name 'sample_glacier_raster_mag' is not defined

Next, we will visualize magnitude of velocity calculated by reducing along the x and y dimensions:

fig, ax= plt.subplots()
sample_glacier_raster_mag['v_mag_time'].plot.scatter(marker='o', alpha=0.9)
ax.set_title('Median magnitude of velocity over x,y dimensions, 2017-2020')
ax.set_ylabel('Magnitude of velocity (m/y)')
NameError: name 'sample_glacier_raster_mag' is not defined

Temporal resampling#

Similar to the histogram, the time series shows a large amount of variability in median velocity over time. Let’s use xarray tools to resample the time dimension.

sample_glacier_raster = sample_glacier_raster.sortby('mid_date')
NameError: name 'sample_glacier_raster' is not defined
NameError: name 'sample_glacier_raster' is not defined
resample_obj = sample_glacier_raster.resample(mid_date = '1M')
NameError: name 'sample_glacier_raster' is not defined

xr.resample() is another grouping operation and returns an object of type xarray.core.resample.DatasetResample

glacier_resample_1mo = resample_obj.median(dim='mid_date')
NameError: name 'resample_obj' is not defined

The below plot is the initial velocity time series in blue, and the velocity data resampled to 1 month intervals in orange

fig, (ax,ax1) = plt.subplots(ncols=2, figsize=(15,5))

raw_kwargs = {'linewidth': 0,

fig.suptitle('Spatially-averaged magnitude of velocity over time')
calc_velocity_magnitude(sample_glacier_raster).v_mag_time.plot(label = 'All obs',ax=ax, **raw_kwargs)
calc_velocity_magnitude(glacier_resample_1mo).v_mag_time.plot(label = '1 month resample',ax=ax)
ax.set_title('Full y-axis range')

calc_velocity_magnitude(sample_glacier_raster).v_mag_time.plot(label = 'All obs',ax=ax1, **raw_kwargs)
calc_velocity_magnitude(glacier_resample_1mo).v_mag_time.plot(label = '1 month resample',ax=ax1)
ax1.set_title('Limiting yaxis to (0,50)')
NameError: name 'sample_glacier_raster' is not defined

This is interesting - despite what looks to be a pretty noisy signal looking at the full time series, we can start to pick out a seasonal signal and sub-annual velocity variability looking at the velocity data resampled into 1-month bins.

Calculating velocity anomalies#

To do this, we will use xarray .groupby() and .map()

following example from xarray tutorial

We first define a function that subtracts the long-term mean from a single observation.

def remove_time_mean(x):
    return x-x.mean(dim='mid_date')

We then group the dataset by month and apply the function to calculate the anomaly on each group. Because we are using the anomalies of the velocity component vectors we will calculate the mean:

glacier_anom = sample_glacier_raster.groupby('mid_date.month').map(remove_time_mean)
NameError: name 'sample_glacier_raster' is not defined

We can visualize the anomalies of the x and y-components of velocity averaged over the glacier surface over time (below). Note that if we tried to compute the magnitude of velocity anomalies, they would all be positive because magnitude is a scalar quantity. Thus, this would show us the magnitude of the anomaly’s deviation from the mean but not the direction. To discern whether a magnitude of velocity anomaly is positive or negative, we would need to examine the signs of the velocity component anomalies. For simplicity, this demonstration will focus on the component anomalies.

fig, ax = plt.subplots(ncols=2, figsize=(18,5))
glacier_anom.mean(dim=['x','y']).vx.plot(ax=ax[0], marker='o', linewidth=0, markersize=5, alpha=0.5)
glacier_anom.mean(dim=['x','y']).vy.plot(ax=ax[1], marker='o', linewidth=0, markersize=5, alpha=0.5)


fig.suptitle('Spatially-averaged velocity component anomalies');
NameError: name 'glacier_anom' is not defined

Grouped analysis by season#

We have a dense time series of surface velocity data for a single glacier. We can use xarray’s .groupby() to examine velocity variability further. We will start with using .groupby() to break the velocity time series into seasonal means.

seasons_gb = sample_glacier_raster.groupby(sample_glacier_raster.mid_date.dt.season).mean()
#add attrs to gb object
seasons_gb.attrs = sample_glacier_raster.attrs 
NameError: name 'sample_glacier_raster' is not defined

Breaking down the above cell, we defined how we wanted to group our data (sample_glacier_raster.mid_date.dt.season) and the reduction we wanted to apply to each group (mean()). After the apply step, xarray automatically combines the groups into a single object. We can see that the seasons_gb object is an xarray.Dataset with the same dimensions and coordinates as the sample_glacier_raster object but that the seasons_gb object has a seasons dimension as well.

If you’d like to see another example of this with more detailed explanations, go here.

We can no longer use the function for calculating magnitude that we defined above because we have the season dimension instead of mid_date. Because the temporal reduction has already occurred, we just need to calculate the magnitude of the displacement vector.

seasons_gb['v_mag'] = np.sqrt(seasons_gb.vx**2 + seasons_gb.vy**2)
NameError: name 'seasons_gb' is not defined
NameError: name 'seasons_gb' is not defined

Reorder the seasons:

NameError: name 'seasons_gb' is not defined

To visualize velocity data across the seasonal groups we just defined, we can use xarray’s FacetGrid functionality. Faceting is a great way to visualize your data in ‘small multiples’ format.

fg = seasons_gb.v_mag.plot(
NameError: name 'seasons_gb' is not defined

What if we wanted to do the same grouping over years?

years_gb = sample_glacier_raster.groupby(sample_glacier_raster.mid_date.dt.year).mean()
years_gb.attrs = sample_glacier_raster.attrs 
years_gb['v_mag'] = np.sqrt(years_gb.vx**2 + years_gb.vy**2)
NameError: name 'sample_glacier_raster' is not defined
fg_years = years_gb.v_mag.plot(col='year');
NameError: name 'years_gb' is not defined

We can also reduce the grouped object over space:

seasons_gb['v_mag_season'] = np.sqrt(seasons_gb.vx.mean(dim=['x','y'])**2 + seasons_gb.vy.mean(dim=['x','y'])**2)
NameError: name 'seasons_gb' is not defined

Let’s plot the mean magnitude of velocity for each season:

fig, ax = plt.subplots()
ax.bar(height = seasons_gb['v_mag_season'].data, x = seasons_gb['v_mag_season'].season.data)
ax.set_title('Mean seasonal velocity');
NameError: name 'seasons_gb' is not defined

Extracting and visualizing data at a single point#

We can use xarray’s .sel() to extract velocity data at a single point or within a subset along given dimensions. In this example, we use .sel() to compare the magnitude of velocity of ice flow at a point in the glacier’s accumulation zone to the mean magnitude of velocit of the entire glacier.

#choose coordinates for a point
y = 3.3125e6
x = 786500
point_v_resample = np.sqrt(glacier_resample_1mo.sel(x=x,y=y,method='nearest').vx**2 + glacier_resample_1mo.sel(x=x,y=y,method='nearest').vy**2)
point_v = np.sqrt(sample_glacier_raster.sel(x=x,y=y,method='nearest').vx**2 + sample_glacier_raster.sel(x=x,y=y,method='nearest').vy**2)
NameError: name 'glacier_resample_1mo' is not defined
# ax1:
fig,axs=plt.subplots(ncols=3, figsize=(20,5))
#plot raw (not resampled data)
#plot temporal mean and point location
b = calc_velocity_magnitude(glacier_resample_1mo).v_mag_space.plot(ax=axs[1])
axs[1].axvline(x=x, c= 'red')
axs[1].axhline(y=y, c='red')

# spatial mean average velocity over time
# point velocity over time

fig.suptitle('Comparing velocity at point on glacier (orange) v. spatial average across glacier (blue)')
axs[0].set_title('Raw observations')
axs[1].set_title('Temporal average velocity with point location highlighted')
axs[2].set_title('Monthly resampled observations')

NameError: name 'sample_glacier_raster' is not defined


This notebook demonstrated trimming a full ITS_LIVE granule down to the spatial extent of a single glacier outline. We then worked through some statistical investigation of the data and preliminary data visualization steps. The next notebook will look at grouped analysis of multiple glaciers.