About me

:wave: Hi! I’m a Ph.D student in the Geography Department at the University of Utah where my work focuses on using remote sensing data to better understand and quantify recent glacial variability in High Mountain Asia. I also like learning about and contributing to open-source projects. In my free time, you can usually find me hiking, biking or skiing around Salt Lake with my dog :slightly_smiling_face:.

Please feel free to reach out if you have any questions about my work or would like to chat!


I’ve been fortunate to complete two summer internships during my Ph.D. Both internships where valuable learning experiences where I gained new technical skills, developed as a scientist, and got to learn from amazing mentors.

Summer 2024 - Developer Relations intern @ Earthmover

During my time at Earthmover, I worked on a range of projects including making contributions to the codebase and documentation of Arraylake, a scientific data platform for working with multidimensional array data in the cloud, and working on open-source projects such as Xarray and Zarr. I also spent time developing workflows that use cloud-optimized raster and vector data to construct and use vector data cubes with Xvec; this work was discussed in a blog post and webinar. You can read more about my internship experience here.

Summer 2022 - SIParCS intern @ NCAR

I spent the summer of 2022 in Boulder, Colorado as a SIParCS intern working on the python package, Xarray. Most of this work focused on developing tutorials for using Xarray to work with cloud-optimized remote sensing data. I also assisted the Xarray tutorial at the 2022 SciPy Conference, wrote material for the Xarray tutorial and made contributions to the Xarray codebase. You can read more about my time as a SIParCS intern here.